2 min readJul 2, 2024


Who's coming to save us?

If you asked me, “What is it like to watch the fall of an empire from the outside?”

I beg to differ. We are not watching the empire from the outside looking in, and the empire isn’t American to begin with.

The empire is a global consumer capitalist coperateocracy and the thing that is collapsing at least the first part is the illusion, the veil, the lie that the empire told to justify it’s own existence.

A lie about Western democracies fighting for justice and freedom.

A lie about the merit system of capitalism where hard work and perseverance pays off if you just follow the rules and do as you’re told, you too can have a white picket fence, a station wagon in an affordable mortgage to pass down to your loved ones after you’re gone.

The reason why it feels like America is what’s crumbling is because America was always the epicenter of that lie. It was always the central pillar of your( regardless of your nationality)collective sense of identity.

The Europeans were too jaded to fully take that idea to heart, probably because their last lie told by them was that they were just genetically superior to everyone else, so those lies felt like a bit of a demotion.

While most of the rest of the world, they never believed it because they have been doing all the heavy lifting all this time.

The good news is that now the veil has fallen, the people of the world can see that we are all standing on the same ship, our politicians are all bought and paid for by the same cooperate interests, our economies all funnel the same wealth generated by our labour and our resources into the same billionaire pockets.

For the first time, in a long time, we can all see that we have the same problem, which means we have the same solution.

This is NOT a crisis. It is a Christ opportunity.

