2 min readJan 25, 2024


"In the realm of medicine, we dance with life's intricacies, wielding science against the shadows of mortality, striving to compose a symphony of healing that resonates louder than the whispers of death."

As a junior clerk in the internal medicine ward, my daily encounters with patients battling various ailments have profoundly shaped my perspective on life and health. The dilapidated faces of those grappling with strokes, liver cirrhosis, and chronic kidney disease serve as constant reminders of the fragility of our well-being.

The emotional weight of witnessing individuals lose their loved ones has been a humbling experience, prompting me to reflect on the invaluable gift of good health. It's easy to take our well-being for granted until we're confronted with the stark reality of illness and its toll on families. In the midst of the beeping monitors and sterile hospital walls, the strength of the human spirit shines through, but so does the vulnerability of life.

These experiences have fostered a deeper appreciation for the well-being of my own family. Every moment spent with loved ones becomes more precious when you've witnessed the pain of separation and the heartache of farewells in the hospital corridors. The laughter around the dinner table, the shared joys of daily life, and the simple act of being present for each other take on a profound significance.

Gratitude, often relegated to a mere routine, gains a new depth when it comes to acknowledging the gift of good health. It's not merely about uttering words but feeling the weight of each breath, the strength in every step, and the vitality that allows us to engage in life's myriad experiences. The routine "thank you" transforms into a heartfelt expression of gratitude for the ability to lead a healthy and fulfilling life.

In the face of the suffering I witness daily, thanking God becomes more than just a customary practice. It evolves into a genuine acknowledgment of the intricate balance that allows us to wake up each morning with the gift of health. It's a recognition of the privilege of living without the constant companionship of illness and a reminder that good health is not a guarantee but a blessing to be cherished.

As I navigate the demanding corridors of the internal medicine ward, I am reminded that health is not merely the absence of disease but a delicate equilibrium that deserves our conscious appreciation. In expressing gratitude for good health, we recognize not only our own fortune but also empathize with those grappling with their health battles. This newfound appreciation becomes a driving force, urging us to live more consciously, savoring every moment, and valuing the well-being of ourselves and those we hold dear.

